
Thursday, February 09, 2006

decades more of things sucking

things have sucked for a long time and they continue to suck. last night i had another freakout, where i decide that i can no longer continue tolerating things sucking as they do, that i can't go on through decades more of the same bullshit. decades more of things sucking, and also decades more of the same mediocre things: thousands and thousands of hours spent paying bills, driving to and from work, taking showers, stirring fake powdered creamer into my coffee, locking the car doors, ripping toilet paper off the roll, stapling things together, getting dressed, digging for my keys in my purse, blowing my nose, pouring advil out of the super-sized container and usually spilling half a dozen on the floor, washing my hair, ripping the perforated sides off of my paycheck, taking my car to have its oil changed, going up and down the stairs, lying in bed every night for hours but not sleeping... yes, i know these are priveleged things to complain about, as so many poor souls have no advil to spill all over the floor, and no keys and no purse to take them out of, but sometimes i get so bogged down by the percentage of our lives that is filled with absolutely mindless crap, that every day it's hours of mindless crap, and by the time we get to the few minutes or hours we have that we can spend for ourselves, we either think of more mindless crap we have to do, or we're so exhausted from all the mindless crap we've already done we don't have the energy to pursue anything worthwhile or rewarding.

and so as i was saying yesterday, i have all the responsibilities of being an adult, but none of the perks. i still slog through every full-time workday, and come home to the condominium i have lived in and hated all my life, which is also inhabited by my parents. so no matter what i do i heard the music of my dad's tv on full blast, and smell the smoke wafting out of his putrid cigars, and listen to him swear and yell and yawn as loudly as possible, stomp back and forth to the kitchen, calling the cat a dumb prick. ha!


At Thu Feb 09, 03:40:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Vicky. I'm hoping all that was a therapeutic rant; but, just in case, I'm going to weigh in here with a bunch of not especially useful platitudes... :)

Actually, I really don't know what to say that might be even slightly useful except perhaps that the things that bog you down can end up seeming like nothing at all, things you just get done without really thinking about them just because something clicks into place that makes them that way. I've had days when I've felt that all my life will bring is a gradual wearing down under the pressure of stuff that I can't quite manage to get sorted. Then, somehow, things have got a lot easier - maybe just because something was working its way through my head; or just because the right situation only comes along after you've tried out a whole load of shitty versions.

I'm trying to underestimate how you feel now, I'm just saying that maybe all you have to do is survive it and then a different perspective will show you a way of getting out.

I've just been made redundant which weirdly enough feels really positive. I was wanting to leave anyway but I wasn't making that much progress really - now I have some cash for leaving and I don't really have to care about what happens at owrk any more. And the draining away of all these little worries feels quite euphoric. Whether I do anything with this new-found freedom is another matter, but I couldn't have dreamt that I'd feel this way a month ago (back then, I was sure that this year was going to be really tough).

Anyway, I was going to tell you about all that in a letter anyway and so I'll tell you the rest there (it'll be in the post soon!).

I don't think I can really offer much by the way of advice but I hopr you'll feel better about things soon. I know that you're not going to be in your parents' house forever.

Chin up (and other useless English exhortations to cheerfulness in the face of adversity)!


At Tue May 23, 02:16:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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